Thursday, May 5, 2011

Are We There Yet?

We have all been on a family vacation when the question is asked, “Are we there yet?”  That question may have been asked to you by your children, or may have been asked by you as a child.  We generally plan our vacations around our children, and it doesn’t matter how many games you bring, snacks you pack, or rounds of songs you sing.  Eventually one of those kids is going to get bored, stare out he window at the unfamiliar passing scene, and realize there’s a destination out there somewhere that he won’t recognize, and pop out the question, “Are we there yet?’

This question could bring on another question.  ‘”Where is ‘there’?”  On trips with kids, ‘there’ is a specific destination.  It could be when you reach Disneyland, or Yellowstone, or even Grandma’s house.  And even then, we could have several places that are ‘there’ once we arrive. 

As I have pondered this question, we can apply it to our every day lives.  As we go through life, we are always working for a special destination.  It could be when we get through school, or when we get married.  Maybe that destination is when the kids are all gone and we are retired.  Then could we ask ourselves the question, “Are we there yet.”?

Life is a journey, not just a destination.  As we go through this life we are given many experiences that teach us and help us to build our faith and testimony in some way so that we may reach that final destination that we all hope to obtain some day. 

These experiences come to us in many different ways and at very unpredictable times.  They can be powerful spiritual experiences or small enlightening moments.  Some of them may come as serious challenges or heavy trials that can really test us.  No matter what they may be, they can each give us a chance for personal growth, greater wisdom, or in some cases, they come so that we may be of service to others where we can show more empathy and love.

When Joseph Smith was in Liberty Jail and facing some very serious challenges, he turned to the Lord for the help he needed, and the Lord told him in a very assuring way, “All these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.”  (D&C 122:7)

As we face each experience, we may ask ourselves, ‘Are we there yet’, but each experience or challenge we face is only a building block for the next.  As these experiences accumulate in our lives, they add strength and support to each other just as each mile we travel brings us closer to our destination. 

The choices that we make in our every day lives will ultimately determine what our final destination will be.  I hope that the final destination for everyone will be to have eternal life with our Father in Heaven.  It and when that happens, then we can say we are "there".

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