Wednesday, April 27, 2011

She Never Looked Back

President Uchtdorf, a counselor to President Monson our prophet, made this statement:  “Our motives and thoughts ultimately influence our actions.  The testimony of the truthfulness of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is the most powerful motivating force in our lives…Our testimony motivates us to live righteously, and righteous living will cause our testimony to grow stronger. “  (Ensign Nov. 2006, pg 37)

This  story illustrates this principle and what many have done because of their strong testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel.
Mary, my third great grandmother was born in England, and was the 6th child of 9.  She met and married William.  After their marriage, they had three children.  They listened to the message of the gospel and were converted.  William came from a large family but they all turned against them when they joined the church.  Because of their faith and testimony they decided to join the Saints in Nauvoo.  Almost immediately after arriving in Nauvoo William became ill with a fever that was going around.  He passed away three weeks later.  Four days after that she gave birth to another little girl.  A few weeks later little Emma died.  Just eight days after that Mary got the news that Joseph and Hyrum Smith had been martyred. 

With her husband and child gone and the leader of her chosen people murdered, Mary could have chosen to go back to her family in England, where she would have had security and help in raising her three children.  Instead, because of her strong testimony she looked forward with great courage and determination.  She simply did her part in standing firm in the gospel of Jesus Christ and listened to the promptings of the Spirit.  She never looked back or regretted the decision she made.  She simply went forward with great faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  

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