Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Returning Home

My husband and I have completed our mission in the Nashville Tennessee Mission and have returned to our home. It was a great experience to come home to our children and grandchildren that we had not seen in 15 months. There were lots of hugs and they all seemed happy to see us and we were happy to see them. As I have been thinking about it all, I wonder what it will be like when we pass on from this life to the next life and meet our Heavenly Father and other family members. Will there be lots of hugs and will everyone be happy to see us. I think it may all depend on how we have lived our lives and if we have made them happy or whether or not we have done things to disappoint them. It all comes down to the choices we make. Those choices I hope will be made thinking of our love for our Heavenly Father and wanting to please him by keep his commandments and living a life of serving him by loving and serving others. I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve Heavenly Father by serving a mission and sharing the message of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. If accepted and lived can bring a lot of joy and happiness into our lives.

I would love to hear from anyone that would like to share their feelings about Returning Home.